Sarika Puri

Sarika Puri

Career & Life Strategist

Career & Life Strategist

With a passion for guiding and empowering ambitious individuals through their professional journey, I specialize in harmonizing the notes of corporate victory with personalized strategies for career growth. Together, we'll identify opportunities, enhance your skills, and navigate challenges, paving the way for tangible career advancement and fulfillment. Let's orchestrate your path to success.


Global Perspective

Born in London, raised in New Delhi, worked in Mumbai & Bangalore, and studied in New York City, I bring in a unique blend of multicultural experiences and global perspectives, enriching the foundation for your career growth.

Network Orchestrator

Leveraging a vast and strategic network, I facilitate introductions to connect you with key individuals tailored to your specific job requirements. Maximize your opportunities and leverage influential connections for unprecedented career growth.

Nurturing Talent

In my last corporate role, I not only grew the talent acquisition team from scratch but also championed training initiatives and employee engagement activities, fostering a vibrant company culture.

We'll begin with an initial consultation and skills assessment to craft clear goals. From providing strategic guidance to supporting you through your job search, including interview preparation, networking, and negotiation tactics, I ensure your journey towards success is well-guided. With ongoing mentorship, get empowered to navigate your journey with confidence and impact.

So, are you ready to create a career that resonates with purpose and balance? Let me help you design it! Schedule A Call.

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